Do I Need a Doula?
(nēd) verb
Require (something) because it is essential or very important.
"I need help now"
Is a doula actually a NEED?
Some people consider a 'need' to be something that is necessary for survival: air, water, food, shelter, etc.
But if we look at the synonyms for need (be in need of, have need of, want; be crying out for, be desperate for; demand, call for, necessitate, entail, involve), the idea of 'need' becomes very different.
People give birth without a doula all day, every day.
Is a doula necessary for survival?
Few people would say yes to that.
That doesn't mean that a doula is never a NEED.
Who might feel the need for a doula?
•Someone having a baby after a previous traumatic birth experience
•People who are "alone (ie; partner deployed, single parent, surrogate)
•A woman living away from her extended support system
•A person in recovery from substance abuse
•A family welcoming a baby after loss
•A couple in which the partner is not able to offer physical support
•Highly anxious people - either half of the couple
•Someone with a very specific birth plan
•A woman with a history of sexual abuse
•A family expecting more than one baby
•A person in the LGBTQ+ community
•Someone having their first baby
•A woman planning for a VBAC
•A surrogate
The list is long.
Any birthing person of any color, age, or size may feel the need for a doula.
Is it a need for everyone? Probably not.