PNW Doulas

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Your Doula vs. the World

As the weeks passed she found herself growing in her abilities... she found she carried with her some incredible powers. More reliable than the US Postal Service! Able to provide compassionate support with the touch of her hand! Incredibly gifted at hip squeezes!

She is Super Unbiased Doula!

The World: You should have your baby at home (or in the hospital or under a tree.)

Super Unbiased Doula: What kind of birth experience are you hoping for? Let's discuss your options.

The World: You're definitely going to need an epidural.

Super Unbiased Doula: What are your thoughts on pain medication? Let's discuss your options.

The World: Every mother should breastfeed her children.

Super Unbiased Doula: What are your plans for feeding your baby? Let's discuss your options.

The World: Inductions are horrible. You do not want Pitocin no matter what!

Super Unbiased Doula: What are your thoughts on induction? Let's discuss your options.

The World: You do NOT want that OB!

Super Unbiased Doula: What type of medical provider are you looking for? Let's discuss your options.

The World: No one should choose a cesarean.

Super Unbiased Doula: What type of delivery do you prefer? Let's discuss your options.

The World: You should definitely let your mom (or dad. or neighbor. or second cousin) in the room.

Super Unbiased Doula: Who do you want on your birth team? Let's discuss your options.

The World: Eating your placenta is disgusting.

Super Unbiased Doula: What is your postpartum plan? Let's discuss your options.

Super Unbiased Doula brings you the support you need to create YOUR best birth experience.

While there are a number of factors to consider when hiring a doula, this super power might be at the top of the list of important qualities.


To add a Super Unbiased Doula to your PNW birth team, contact Pacific Northwest Doulas.