Golden Hour

For photographers, the golden hour is a time of day in which the sunlight softens and everything it touches warms underneath its glow. But in the first hour of a newborn’s life, there's a different kind of golden hour that occurs where biology works a kind of magic that might surprise you all the same.

The golden hour is a time in which the parent-newborn couplet has an opportunity to bond. Researchers have discovered over the years how imperative it is to implement this post-birth custom where skin-to-skin is as uninterrupted as possible. Did you know that the golden hour is more than just bonding with your infant? 

The benefits:

  • A parent’s brain chemistry changes and increases their desire to nurture

  • Skin-to-skin maximizes immediate bonding between parent and child

  • Baby’s body temperature regulates

  • Stabilizes blood sugars

  • Hormone release encourages body feeding and milk production

  • Can reduce postpartum bleeding

  • Baby’s oxygenation levels improve

  • Stabilizes heart rate and breathing

Once in a while, there might be a delay for this golden hour due to the emergent needs of a parent or child. In this situation, providers are always intentional to get your baby back to you as quickly as they can. On the off chance you have to be separated from your baby for your medical reasons, another parent or person of your choosing can do skin-to-skin with the baby. 

The wonderful thing about this time in your newborn's life is all vitals can be done on your baby while they're on your chest. You may notice your baby doesn't cry as much when they're positioned on your body in this way. The golden hour is a time for getting to know your baby. And asking for a sandwich...because you just worked really hard to bring this baby into the world.

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