Nitrous at Salem Hospital
Nitrous oxide is an odorless, colorless gas that you may most often hear about for dental procedures, but it has been used for labor pain relief across the world. And it’s an option in Salem, Oregon!
Labor & Cervical Scar Tissue
Many women have scar tissue on their cervix. And if women knew the truth about cervical scar tissue, their birth experiences could improve dramatically.
Q&A: Can I Have a Natural Birth at Salem Hospital?
We get a fair number of questions about policies and procedures at Salem Hospital. While we don't have all the answers, we're confident in answering the 'unmedicated birth' question that comes up often.
Will I Poop When I Push?
If we had a dollar for every time we heard this question. What if we could get you excited about pooping during labor? Because it could be a very good thing.