Partners + Doulas

I've seen this quote going around the Doula World quite often:


Asking your husband to be your sole guide through labor is like

asking him to lead the way on a climb of Mt. Everest. He may be

smart and trustworthy, you may love him, but in the Himalayas

you'd both be a lot better off with a Sherpa!"

-Pam England in Birthing From Within


I want to like this quote. But I'm struggling with it.

It seems to devalue the role of partners in labor and delivery. It actually sounds like you MUST hire a Doula in order to have a good birth experience. I mean, obviously none of us would go climb Mt. Everest without a highly experienced guide to lead us on the journey. Our wisdom would be questioned. Our preparation would seem insufficient.

'Doula' is my job title. I love supporting families through pregnancy. I live for the middle of the night phone calls to rush to a laboring mama. I am passionate about families being informed and prepared for their delivery.

But I can never, ever take the place of your partner.

I would love to be your "SHERPA" as you travel the journey of pregnancy and delivery, but in all reality, I won't be leading you on your journey. I will be walking beside you AND your support team- offering all of you the experience, knowledge, and resources that I've gained as a Labor Doula.

Your doula fills a short term need. Your partner is your forever person.


Doulas + Planned Cesarean Births


When Your "Village" Fails