Why Is My Vagina Swollen?
If you've read our blogs before, you know that we like to get real. And getting real means we answer the questions that we know people are thinking (or Googling) but may not want to actually say out loud.
So, let's talk about it. "I'm 8 months pregnant and my vagina (and/or vulva) is so incredibly swollen. Why?!?"
Counting Kicks
As we get further into pregnancy, movements- kicks, twists, pokes, and turns - become an important marker for your baby's health.
Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy- especially the third trimester- are a fairly common (although unwelcome) occurrence.
Are Membrane Sweeps Necessary?
You may have heard it before- sweeping or stripping of membranes. Let's break down what it really is... including the fact that a broom is not included.
What Not To Say: Gender Reveal Etiquette
Gender Reveal Parties have become a popular way to announce more information about the new baby before birth- And just a good reason to have another party. Let us help you with some proper etiquette for the next gender reveal you're invited to - with another round of: 'PNW DOULAS - WHAT NOT TO SAY'
My Uterus- It's none of your business.
“So, do you guys have any kids?” he asked. That may seem like an innocent question… but it’s not.